The Burnsville Breakfast Rotary Club welcomed Heidi Hammond who’s the traveling partner of our very own Doug Johnson to provide an overview of their exciting trip to the Galapagos Islands & Amazon Jungle this past January. The islands are located 600 miles west of the country of Ecuador in South America and are part of the country of Ecuador. Approximately 30,000 inhabitants live on the three main islands of Isla Isabela, Seymour, and Puerto Ayora. The Galapagos Islands are a UNESCO World Heritage site and renowned National Park. The islands are teaming with interesting wild & marine life and provide an exciting eco-tourism opportunity! The mode of transport from Ecuador and accommodations were provided aboard the Galapagos Legend which is a small cruise ship that holds 100 passengers and provides an intimate and engaging environment to meet other people and share your journey together.
The trip also included some time in Quito, Ecuador to explore the city and spend some time in the Yasuni National Park at an eco-tourism lodge. All in all, they had an amazing trip and would love to go back again! Thank you, Heidi, for sharing your experience with us!